Believe it or not folks, this story begins back when I was 14 years old and decided that I wanted to participate in Mixed Martial Arts. I began training with my friend Tony out of his garage in California. I continued to practice the sport and got quite good in college. In fact I even won the Utah Submission Challenge.

It was while grappling that I met Dionthe (in white) at the BYU Brizillian Jiui-Jitsu Club.
Now you may be wondering what this all has to do with meeting the love of my life. Well, let me tell you.
She was actually off in Thiland that summer, but got sick out there and had to come back to the states. She needed a place to crash, so I gave her my bed and I crashed the floor. At the time I had no idea that my would change the course of my life forever.
One night after I had gotten home from working a show, Dionthe called. She said that she was hanging out at her X-boyfriend's apartment and just met my male equivalent. She said he was outdoorsy and a Recreation Major and really outgoing. I said that was funny and started looking for my pillow again. However she insisted that this guy was really fun and good looking and that I at lest needed to look at his facebook before I said no.
As it turns out, he was pretty good looking.
He liked National Parks
He had rock climbing pictures
In those pictures he was ripped
He was Californian
I couldn't go back to bed. So instead we all went for a hike up to the Y. When he saw me he thought "love at first sight as I strutted in with complete confidence." We couldn't have known it then, but that hike was the beginning of our adventures...
Josh was working at Timpanogos Cave at the time and he invited me up for a personal tour. I took this opportunity to see what all his coworkers though of him. The report was good.
We started playing together on a regular basis.
He learned about my loves
and I learned about his passions.
Unbeknownst to him, there were others vying for my affection...
but winner takes all.
Pretty soon we were inseparable.
And having the time of our lives!