Kautz Glacier Route (The route sort of follows the cleaver on far left)
Mt Rainier - Kautz is smack middle of the picture, if you look closely you can see our Glacier is covered by a MAJOR rock slide (which only happened couple weeks before we showed up)
Conditions were not ideal to start.
The team just got done with our first section of steep snow and crevasses. Left to right: Derren Knezek, Dave Rackam, Kt Allred, Josh Allred, Daniel Thrasher, Travis Richens and Brandon Cannon. Photo by Andy Earl.
What do you know the weather ended up clearing for a bit to make our last push to base camp.
Kt celebrating good weather.
Getting exciting.
Josh demonstrating the mountaineering step.
Josh's turn to lead the pack.
Josh wanting in the tent. Wedding money at work.
Not a bad view outside the tent.
Kt having way too much time in the crevasse during training.

Josh looking down in the crevasse. I had to keep my head down since everyone decided to start throwing snow balls at me. Thanks Kt.

Home for two days.
Two pitches of climbing done, the sun starting to rise.

The brilliant blues of Rainier.
Break is over, time to move.
Moving along Nisqually Glacier.
Glad to be done with the ice climbing.

Josh and Kt Allred sunrise on Mt. Rainier
Getting bigger and bigger.
Negotiating the crevasses.
We have a saying in the Utah Climbing Club. "It's not scary, it's exciting!"
Kt admiring the crevasses.
Josh getting ready for the crevasse jumps.
Josh getting his game face on.
Josh on the big crevasse jump (different angle).
500 ft to go.

The last of the crevasses.
Relief (Josh second dot on the right, Kt is the third dot)
Mt Adams in the background.
The last ten feet, we were finishing together.

Summit team (minus DK).
Josh and Kt on the summit of Mt Rainier. People consider this to be one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world.
Kt signing the summit register.
We are going home.
If you look closely you can see Kt jumping the big crevasse.
Josh working the tight corner.
Josh on rappel.
Scary down climb with beautiful sun cups.
Pose for the camera.
Mt Rainier National Park

We didn't put enough sunscreen on. Josh's face suffered a second degree burn on his face. It turned in leather.
Beautiful mourning on Mt Rainier.